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Welcome to the Educational Centre for Indigenous Environmental Justice

Advocating for Environmental Justice in Canada

Photo credit: Evans, B. (n.d.). CLAYOQUOT SOUND [Photo]


About Us

This website is dedicated to providing accessible and understandable information about the ways Indigenous Peoples in Canada are and will be disproportionately impacted by past, current, and future environmental degradation. Visitors of this website are encouraged to take political and community-based action after learning about the environmental injustices that Indigenous Peoples are subjected to. 


The deterioration of the environment, such as through water pollution and climate change, negatively impacts all people but has an especially grave impact on marginalized populations such as Indigenous Peoples. This website has multiple sections that have documented research conducted on the risks to the health and culture of Indigenous Peoples, along with how Indigenous women are specifically at risk due to environmental crimes. We have also created sections with background information and content about the future of this issue. 


This website is meant to act as an introduction to the intersection of the environment and Indigenous Peoples. It is not an exhaustive source of the issues documented. More resources to learn about how pollution and climate change impact Indigenous Peoples are linked in the “Learn More” section. 


By learning about the ways Indigenous Peoples are affected by negative environmental changes, we hope that visitors will leave this website more aware of why protecting the environment and ensuring justice in environmental reform matters. A principal way of advocating for these rights is to become civically engaged. Ways to take action and demand change for the environmental risks Indigenous Peoples face, such as contacting representatives or signing petitions, can be found on the “Take Action” page. 


This website has been created on the traditional and unceded territories of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, Anishinabewaki, Haudenosaunee, and Wendake-Nionwentsïo. As a non-Indigenous Canadian, I am grateful for the privilege of living on this land. To learn which Indigenous land you are situated on, you can visit

How to Navigate

On this website, you will find information in different forms made to be easily digestible. 

Text in Blue means there is a definition for a term being offered. 

Text in Light Green indicates a Case Study, where a specific example is used to illustrate an ongoing pattern or event. 

Text in Orange indicates a Spotlight, where in-depth information on a topic pertinent to the relevant issue is given. 

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